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The useClipboard hook provides a simple way to copy text to the clipboard and manage the copied state in a React component.

Add the utility

Terminal window
npx @ivnatsr/ezreact add use-clipboard


This hook returns an object containing the following properties:

  • copied: A boolean that indicates whether the text has been successfully copied to the clipboard.
  • copyToClipboard: A function to copy the passed text to the clipboard.


  • resetCopyAfterMs (optional): A number representing the duration (in milliseconds) after which the copied state will reset to false. The default value is 300 ms.


import { useClipboard } from './path/to/use-clipboard'
const ClipboardExample = () => {
const { copied, copyToClipboard } = useClipboard(300)
const handleCopy = () => {
copyToClipboard('Hello, World!')
return (
<button onClick={handleCopy}>Copy Text</button>
{copied && <span>Text copied to clipboard!</span>}
export default ClipboardExample