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The useMatchMedia hook allows you to listen for changes to a specified media query and execute a callback function whenever the change event for the media query is fired.

Add the utility

Terminal window
npx @ivnatsr/ezreact add use-match-media


This hook returns void.


  • mediaQuery: A string representing the media query to match (e.g., (max-width: 600px)).
  • callback: A function that will be called with a boolean argument indicating whether the media query matches. This function can also return a promise.


import { useMatchMedia } from './path/to/use-match-media'
const MatchMediaExample = () => {
const handleMatchChange = (matches) => {
if (matches) {
console.log('Media query matched!')
} else {
console.log('Media query did not match.')
useMatchMedia('(max-width: 600px)', handleMatchChange)
return <p>Check the console for media query changes.</p>
export default MatchMediaExample