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The useWebStorage hook provides a way to synchronize state with the browser’s localStorage or sessionStorage. It allows you to easily get, set, and remove items from storage while keeping the state in sync across different tabs or windows.

Add the utility

Terminal window
npx @ivnatsr/ezreact add use-web-storage


  • storageKey: A string that represents the key under which the value is stored in the web storage.
  • initialState (optional): The initial state value to set if the storage is empty.
  • storage (optional): A string that specifies which storage to use, either 'localStorage' or 'sessionStorage'. Defaults to 'localStorage'.


This hook returns an object containing:

  • state: The current value stored in the specified storage, parsed as the appropriate type or null if not found.
  • setItemValue: A function to set a new value in the storage. It can accept a value or a function that returns a new value based on the current state.
  • removeItem: A function to remove the item from storage.


import { useWebStorage } from './path/to/use-web-storage'
const WebStorageExample = () => {
const { state, setItemValue, removeItem } = useWebStorage({
storageKey: 'exampleKey',
initialState: 'Hello, World!'
return (
<h1>Stored Value: {state}</h1>
<button onClick={() => setItemValue('New Value')}>Set New Value</button>
<button onClick={removeItem}>Remove Item</button>
export default WebStorageExample